Field Seminars:
Prince William Sound Field Seminar
Monday, 29 April, 7:00 AM – 6:30 PM
Leaders: Peter Haeussler U.S. Geological Survey; Lauren Schaefer, U.S. Geological Survey; Summer Ohlendorf, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Carolyn Parcheta, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Join your colleagues on the first day of SSA 2024 for a 5.5-hour field seminar cruising on the waters of Prince William Sound. The cruise departing from Whittier will include presentations from experts in tectonics, geology, cryo-seismology, tsunamis, landslides and current instrumentation and research efforts in the region. Participants will receive a field guide of the seminar’s highlights, including historic earthquakes like the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake, glacier seismology and local and regional seismic and infrasound networks. We may see marine mammals and other wildlife in the middle of some of Alaska’s most stunning scenery!
Note: Children under the age of 12 are not permitted to attend the field seminar.
Price per person includes transportation and lunch: $320
Alaska Geophysics in the Field
Tuesday 30 April, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Leaders: Adrian Bender USGS, Julie Elliott, Michigan State; Natalia Ruppert, AEC; James Gridley, National Tsunami Warning Center
Where do your seismic and GPS data come from? Visit an active continuous GPS station in Palmer, adjacent to the National Tsunami Warning Center, and an active multi-instrument seismic station in Glacier View. The two-hour drive to Glacier View takes the scenic Glenn Highway. Experts will explain the key components of each station, as well as the instruments and components that are unique to Alaska. Enjoy the views and learn what it takes to get ground deformation and ground motion from the field to your computers.
Be prepared by wearing comfortable shoes, clothing and sunscreen.
For those unable to join the field seminar, here is a guide on some Anchorage-city 1964 highlights for you to explore.
Price per person includes transportation and lunch: $170
Annual Meeting attendees may choose from three workshop options on Tuesday, 30 April.
Data Mining on the Cloud 101
Seismic Instrumentation
Publishing: How to Review and How to Be Reviewed
SSA provides a discounted workshop fee for student members through support from The Kanamori Fund.
Data Mining on the Cloud 101
Tuesday 30 April, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Instructors: Marine Denolle, University of Washington; Yiyu Ni, University of Washington; Qibin Shi, University of Washington; Akash Kharita, University of Washington; Zoe Krauss, University of Washington; Kuan-Fu Feng, University of Washington; Kaiwen Wang, Columbia-LDEO; Theresa Sawi, Columbia-LDEO; Felix Waldhauser, Columbia-LDEO
This workshop will introduce participants to cloud computing, from concept and best practices to practice, for two main approaches of data mining in seismology: correlation seismology and machine learning. Participants will learn how to port their Python scripts from their laptops to the cloud, analyze their intermediate data products, and download the final data product. Participants will learn ambient noise seismology software noise and run it on cloud-hosted data sets of broadband seismometers and distributed acoustic sensing data. Participants will learn machine learning in seismology (earthquake catalog building and data discovery of various geohazards). The workshop curriculum is supported by the NSF project SCOPED.
Participant Requirements: Putty for windows, ssh for Mac/Linux and undergrad-level coding skills in Python.
Registration fees:
Price per person includes lunch.
- Students: $25
- Early-Career Members: $50
- Standard: $85
- Non-member: $100
Seismic Instrumentation
Tuesday 30 April, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Instructors: Horst Rademacher, Berkeley Seismology Lab (retired); Kasey Aderhold, Earthscope; Marianne Karplus, University of Texas, El Paso; John Merchant, Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque; Adam Ringler, Albuquerque Seismology Lab, USGS
This workshop will discuss seismic instrumentation by explaining different scales and periods of Earth’s vibrations and the large selection of instrumentation necessary to cover all aspects of Earth’s vibrations. Explore the history of the development of inertial seismometers and what is typically used today. Learn how different kinds of inertial seismometers work and watch a detailed demonstration of a commercial broadband seismometer. Participants will:
- delve into evaluation and testing of seismometers;
- learn some functionalities and use of digitizers and data loggers;
- focus on metadata, how important are they and how can they be used;
- learn to install and treat different kinds of seismometer; and
- hear the current and future developments in the field of MEMS accelerometers and DAS on optical fibers.
Registration fees:
Price per person includes lunch.
- Students: $25
- Early-Career Members: $40
- Standard: $50
- Non-member: $75
Publishing: How to Review and How to Be Reviewed
Tuesday 30 April, 12:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Instructors: Allison Bent, editor-in-chief of Seismological Research Letters (SRL); John Ebel, Boston College and founding editor-in-chief of SRL; Brent Grocholski, editor at Science
Publishing is a key aspect of any academic career. Learn how to review a scientific paper and how to respond effectively to reviews of your own work from three experienced editors. Discussion will also focus on promoting peer-reviewed research to the broader community. This interactive session will combine group discussion with lectures.
Registration fees:
Price per person includes lunch.
- Students: $25
- Early-Career Members: $35
- Standard: $50
- Non-member: $75