Thank you for presenting at the SSA Annual Meeting. We look forward to you joining us! Please read on for important information.
- All presenters must register to attend the meeting in-person.
Oral Presenters
Presentation Time: Each oral presenter has a 15-minute time slot. A 12-minute presentation with time for a ~3 minute Q&A is recommended.
Slide Formatting:
- Presentations made on a Mac, PC or Linux machine will be accepted.
- The following slide formats are acceptable: PowerPoint or Acrobat. Not accepted: Keynote, OpenOffice, Prezi and LibreOffice.
- Please note: If you add presenter notes to your slides, you will not be able to see them on the screen during your talk. We advise you print your notes to use while presenting.
- There are no limits on file sizes.
- The projectors use a wide format (16:9). Your slides will appear in their entirety regardless of the screen’s aspect ratio. 16:9 aspect ratio is recommended; if your slides are 4:3 there will be black bars to either side of your slides.
- Equipment: You will not be able to use your own laptop for your presentation. Instead, you will have access to a confidence monitor (a laptop), an LCD projector, a wireless remote and a laser pointer.
- Media Files and Formatting: Please bring all media files (photos, audio clips, videos) with you when you upload your talk, even if you have embedded them in your talk.
Upload your Slides On-site
You will be able to upload your slides in the Speaker Ready Room in (Tikahtnu D, Third Floor). Bring a USB flash drive with your slides and upload them at least one hour before your session is scheduled to begin. The Speaker Ready Room hours are:
- Tuesday, 30 April, 2-7 PM
- Wednesday, 1 May, 7 AM-6 PM
- Thursday, 2 May, 7 AM-6 PM
- Friday, 3 May, 7 AM-4:30 PM
**If you are presenting on Wednesday morning, please plan to upload your presentation on Tuesday in the Speaker Ready Room, Tikahtnu D, Third Floor.
Important: Label your presentation with the format below:
- Time (in military) of your presentation
- Your Last Name
- Presentation Title
- Format Example: 1400–Presenter–PresentationTitle
If you have any questions, please contact SSA at
Poster Presenters
Poster Size: The usable space of each poster board is 44.75″ high x 91″ wide (1.1m x 2.3m).
Set Up Early: Set up your poster before 8:00 a.m. the day of your session and take it down sometime after the final poster viewing time. Push pins will be provided. We suggest that you also post a notice with the specific time(s) you can be expected to be at your poster to discuss it.
Print your poster: To print a poster in Anchorage, the nearest print shop is PIP Printing of Alaska, located at 833 E. 4th Ave., Anchorage, AK 99501. Find more information on the PIP website.